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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today Is Just Another Day...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today, I just did the same as usual. I watched television. I ate food, and I slept. My life is not all that interesting, but I have hope to get some kind of happiness soon. I am about to start working for the county, working with children. I am excited. I start on Monday. I don't really have any friends. It's not that I don't want friends, it's just that people just don't seem to like me. Some say that I'm too immature, while others say that I'm just naive leaving me to fall prey to people who just want to take advantage of me. Whatever the reason really is, I have no friends. I never went to public high school, which could also be one of the problems, even though I have a high school diploma. That however is a different story. I am a huge computer person. I like and have profiles on myspace, myyearbook, facebook, blackplanet, imvu, and cafemom. I like being on the internet sometimes. I long for a "real" social life, but for now today is just another day.